Dr.Emily LeGendre

Dr.Emily LeGendre is a board certified Texas chiropractor who seeks to empower families through holistic health education and share her passion for wellness and nutrition with others. Raised in northern Louisiana, she has a love for animals, books, health food, essential oils and all things holistic. Her goal is to help families gain an understanding of optimal health by taking a whole body, inside-out approach.
While in Louisiana, Emily attended nursing school and during the last semester of her training realized that her heart and desire was to help people achieve wellness holistically, so at the end of her schooling she chose to finish her undergraduate degree then pursue chiropractic. Dr. Emily obtained a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Texas and continued her education at Parker University, earning a Doctorate of Chiropractic. She has additional training in nutrition and functional medicine. Dr. Emily enjoys working with pregnant moms and children and is Webster Technique certified by the ICPA.